The Stories & Insights That Matter

Meet Our Graduates

Alyssa Hooper: The Phone Call That Changed Her Life

Alyssa Hooper had always been a gifted student, earning good grades in advanced courses and delighting in discussing the fine points of history and other subjects with teachers and classmates alike.  ...


‘Do Not Give Up’ — LCAA Celebrates First Group of Graduates

Lee County Acceleration Academies (LCAA) celebrated its first group of graduates recently, as young men and women who might have otherwise given up on high school received the diplomas they had worked...

In The News

Fort Myers Newspaper Features New Lee County Academy

As Lee County Acceleration Academies (LCAA) prepares to celebrate its first group of graduates, The Fort Myers New-Press featured the school in an article about serving students who are looking for a ...

Student Stories

In Lee County, Christian Arenas Closes the Distance to His Diploma

For Christian Arenas, doing the work of high school wasn’t the issue. Getting there was.  Christian, a senior, had been doing well at his former high school in Cape Coral, Florida. But his mom, who su...

Lee County Acceleration Academies

Equity & Inclusion

LAA’s Cassius Murray: ‘I Can Just Get It Done At My Own Pace’

Cassius Murray is a quick study — so quick that they can lose ground when asked to move at the same pace as most of their classmates. “I almost ended up failing 8th grade math because I knew all the s...

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